
now boarding continental flight 1155 with non-stop servi....

location . atlanta airport
temp . 68
humidity . 41%
conditions . people are wearing SHORTS

sitting in the airport on my way to savannah. it's going to be a long few days: i'm in savannah until saturday, then i fly to los angeles until thursday. for once, i couldn't pack everything i needed into a carry-on (i've been known to pack a 14 day trip into a carry-on) because of all the materials i have to have with me for the various conferences/events i'm attending. i'm dreading getting to savannah only to discover that my bag and all my suits and lots of my favorite shoes are somewhere over the pacific. but, hey, let's look on the bright side...
i'm going to savannah! and then los angeles! two of my favorite places! in a week!

i'm not sure that i'll have access to internet while i'm away, so ta-ta for now!

the calm before the storm


at least i was a good cheerleader

the laughter pours from under doors

location . sheltered
temp . 50
humidity . 87%
conditions . the rain is clearing

soooo.... just as soon as i start talking about spring, it rains for several days straight. i even *tried* to get into the spirit. i bought a new spring bag and some new shoes, including my first pair of PINK SHOES. PINK. I hate pink. and now i own a pair of pink shoes. see what spring does to people?

anyway, inspired by murrye and her mom, i've decided to share my most embarrasing moment. i'm not sure how it'll stack up: you guys can let me know.

8th Grade. Rogers Middle School. finally, we were 8th graders. just one more year until high school. one full year of being the oldest kids on campus. being the "cool" kids. i'd never say I was a "cool" kid, but I was a cheerleader that year (that's embarrasing enough to merit a most embarrasing story, right?), so cool or not, i was under a microscope. fastforward a few weeks to the first pep rally of the year. done with the fight song. done bringing the football team onto the gym floor. time for introductions of the cheerleading squad. never one to be ordinary, i decide to do a toe-touch immediately into a standing back tuck for my personal introduction. toe-touch fine. push off for back tuck. land ON MY STOMACH. in front of the WHOLE SCHOOL. and the WHOLE SCHOOL laughed hysterically.

years later, i occasionally get the "you're the cheerleader that......?"

bright eyes . haligh, haligh, haligh, a lie, haligh


life goes easy on me

location . apt
temp . 46
humidity . 74%
conditions . good friday

i hate spring. there, i said it. i'm one of the few people you'll ever meet that doesn't have allergies that hates the spring. ok, maybe i don't *hate* the spring, but what i do hate is 1) unpredictable weather 2) pollen, even if i'm not allergic. it gets a green film on EVERYTHING 3) rain 4) spring clothes. i hate pastels. i think that's enough.

i like is/are 1) thunderstorms 2) the week of spring where the temperature is just right and a cool, crisp breeze is blowing (you know, the week between all the RAIN) 3) laughing at people wearing pastels. i hate pastels. did i mention that?

to commemorate closer being released on dvd... because people would rather watch porn at home than at the theater
damien rice . the blower's daughter


i'll thaw your foolish dreams away

as i haven't been able to leave the apartment since my surgery, i don't have much new material. i mean, i could tell you about how i've watched eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and i heart huckabees, and oh my gosh the oc comes on tonight, but that's just boring, and i'm sure you're not interested in that at all. so, instead, i've decided to put up some wedding photos and reminisce about that very, very hectic time in my life. i mean, i was only graduating college, getting married, and moving to dc in a period of 5 DAYS. 5 DAYS! i should get offered a job because of that feat alone. if i can handle that, i can HANDLE ANYTHING. i also need a kick in the ass to get these photos online somewhere.

stephen malkmus . phantasies

dear god

i promise i will never run down an escalator again. please stop punishing me.



i see you shaking in the light, reading the headline news

location . back home
temp . 48
humidity . 33%
conditions . cloudy

well, today was "the day." surgery #2, and hopefully the last time i'll see the walls of gw hospital for awhile. this one was relatively minor: the removal of one of the 4 screws that currently call my left ankle home. since i've got a minor cold, and the surgery was "relatively quick," we did a simple local anesthesia which, of course, meant i was AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME. no sedation at all: not even a narcotic to 'take the edge off.' i have to say, after they pumped my ankle full of lidocaine, the sensation was quite unusual. especially thirty minutes later, when they still couldn't FIND THE SCREW, they started to get aggressive, and i started to hear chisel sounds, and then, like magic, they used a SCREWDRIVER to remove the screw from my ankle. pretty cool. except i could REALLY FEEL IT when they took the screw out. not so cool.

sonic youth . wishfilfullment


blog facelift

inspired by murrye, i've given my blog a facelift! hope you like it!


blind soundman, from netherlands, he knew not what band he mixed

location . the district
temp . 44
humidity . 47%
conditions . it was supposed to snow today. it wasn't even cloudy

there's something about being back in 'the city.' i know most people refer to nyc as 'the city,' but it doesn't really make a difference. and i know i was just in 'a city,' and i love chicago, but, as with most conferences, i was stuck in the hotel for the majority of my time there. so it's good to be back in dc. it's good to be back to the ritual of leaving my apartment every morning around 8:25, making the 3 block trek to the metro, taking the red line to farragut north, and walking the rest of the way to work. i used to walk the entrie way to work, which generally takes about 30 minutes, but my ankle still isn't well enough to handle that on a daily basis. so i take the metro, hands in pockets, bag slung over my shoulder, white earbuds pumping music into my head, giving the ipod nod to everyone else who's in the club.

stephen malkmus . 1% of 1


when enough is enough, do the fakers drop out?

location . chicago, il
temp . 50
humidity . 77%
conditions . high of 64 yesterday, snow tonight

don't have much time to update because i'm on my way to prairie avenue! bet you're jealous!

promise me
you will always be
too awake to be famous
too wired to be safe
stephen malkmus . church on white


kiss and ride on the cta

location . chicago, il
temp . 39
humidity . 66%
conditions . ahhhhh.... chicago

for anyone who's been wondering about my job...

Architecture student Trinity Simons wizzy step friznom tha commencizzles stage ta tha national stage this year spittin' that real shit. As tha newly elected vice president of tha American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), she wizzle visit architecture schools across tha nation, co-organize two national conferizzles n serve as student representative on tha national board of tha Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) upside yo head. Simons also W-to-tha-izzill act as secretary n brotha of tha AIAS.

"It's a daunt'n jizzy but I'm stoked ta hizzy an opportunity ta provide vision fo` this organizzles Simons said . know what im sayin?.

Simons has been active in tha AIAS since her fiznirst year in tha architecture program and my money on my mind. Straight Trippin' her tenure as 2001-02 brotha president of tha AIAS at tha University of Arkansas, she worked wit her board ta organize fizzy design competizzles n workshops on internship opportizzles n crazy ass nigga topics. Killa her leadership, tha UA brotha helped build a hizouse fo` Habitat fo` Humanity n siznent 20 students ta tha AIAS national conference in Pittsburgh n shit. Simons' efforts expanded chapta membership by nearly 100 percent over tha previous year.

As one of four students serv'n on tha national AIAS executive board this pizzast year, Simons has earned 26,000 frequent flya miles visit'n architecture departments across tha southern United States. In addition ta blingin' students n help'n chapta develop programm'n, she chaired tha Community Task Force committee n organized two regional conferizzles. All of this was supplemizzles ta her main J-to-tha-izzob, messin' tha fifth-year comprehensive studio n cracka coursework required fo` tha bachelor's of architecture degree.

"It's been an intense year, but I have received a lot of support from nigga presidents, mah professors, family n friends," Simons said.

A native of El Dorado, Simons has excelled in tha rigorous architecture program at tha same time she has juggled work-study duties n extracurrizzles activities n shit. The Schoo` of Architecture recognized her high scholastic record by dippin' her tha Sid Fria Scholarship four years in a row n shit. She also received tha Paul Seitz Rizzle Scholarship (2002) n tha National Association of Bitchez in Construction Scholarship (2003) frizzay tha school . Drop it like its hot.

As wiznell, she has participated in two internizzles study programs: a two-week excursion ta tha Netherlands (2002), n a semesta at tha school's Rome Study Centa fo` Architecture n tha Humanizzles (fall 2002) . Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. Last fall, Simons was part of tha tizzy of UA architecture students who won a prestigious Unbuilt Design Award from tha Boston Society of Architects yeah yeah baby.

Schoo` of Architecture Dean Jeff Shannon said fo yo bitch ass: "It has bizzle a pleasure watch'n Trinity develop as a designa n poser aww nah. Though we wizzill miss her around tha school, I'm confident that she wizzle enjoy a bright future in tha architecture profession."

The AIAS serves as tha sole student voice in tha ballin' process of professizzles organizzles such as tha American Institute of Architects n tha ACSA. Simons' one-year, paid tenure as vice president begins in July at tha AIAS national office in Washington, D.C.

wilco . far, far away


there's too many people you used to know

alright guys, i'm officially done cheating. i feel so much cleaner now.

my last week has been incredibly hectic. it all began last friday, when i flew to dallas for the archvoices retreat. i followed that up with a drive to ruston, la then to jackson ms, and starkville, ms before flying out of memphis on wednesday. following 1 brief day in the office, i flew to chicago on friday only to be driven to south bend, indiana for the midwest quad conference at notre dame. now i've spent the last two nights in milwaukee and am going back to chicago tomorrow for a week long conference. whew. this is aias love, baby.

beck . lost cause