
we rejoice because the hurting is so painless

location . home, foot elevated
temp . 51
humidity . 72%
conditions . pain, with rain on the way

no, that is not a prosthetic monster cankle.

i managed to break my ankle and get mangled by an escalator all at once! this happened saturday, while i was sprinting down the escalator stairs at full speed (several at a time). i'm the smartest person in the world. 15 minutes later, when the next train arrived, i was still laying on the floor waiting for an ambulance in a puddle of blood (i wish i were exaggerating for effect here, but i'm not). at least michael was with me (and a friend of his - i successfully prevented them from going to a bachelor party on saturday night). 4.5 hours later i was leaving the emergency room with stitches and a temporary cast. today i visited an orthopedic surgeon, and tomorrow i'm having surgery. drama.

interpol . slow hands


Blogger trinity said...

it's called my E.T. Toe!!! leave me alone.

1:22 PM  
Blogger natalie blair said...

trin - if it makes you feel any better, i get called 'monkey toes' because of my 'morton's toe'...

1:40 PM  
Blogger brooklynwife said...

god trinity that's awful!!!! i'm so sorry. well at least your toe nails were painted a nice color! hope you shaved your legs sometime in the last month. lol.

but seriously, i feel really bad for you. get some rest, and please slow down! =)

2:14 PM  
Blogger natalie blair said...

trin... i really, truly hope that the surgery helps and that the pain goes away as soon as possible. just know that you're in my thoughts... on a lighter note, i do agree with murrye: your toenails are nice and pedicured-looking and lovely and stuff...

6:31 PM  

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